The Plakun Group provides all of the services performed by a Chief Information Officer, including assessment, research, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
If you have technology leadership on staff, we can augment their skills to meet specific short-term needs. For example, if you need to implement a complex change, we can assure safe and successful execution with our change management and project management services, allowing your existing staff to continue to focus on the day-to-day operation of your business.
If you don’t require full-time technology leadership, you can control your expenses while enjoying the benefits of an experienced executive by appointing us to your management team on a part-time basis.
If you need to review your existing approach to IT, we provide expertise with an objective, experienced view.
The Plakun Group brings the highest degree of professionalism to every engagement by focusing on the value technology brings to your organization, not on the latest and greatest technology trends.